Newsletter May - July 2009 The past three months have been very busy for the HAR staff because of information requests, updating of the database and adding new collections. After talking about it for several years we were finally able to get our first Map of Tibet uploaded, linked and online. There are also three smaller maps based on the first and more maps on the way. A Lhasa map and a separate Barkor map are nearly ready. A map of West Tibet will be the next project. We are modifying the name of the 'blog' and simply calling it 'New on the Site' since that is what we use it for. It can now be accessed from the HAR Home Page. Generally we have updateed the 'New on the Site' at least once a week and in many cases more often than that. The 'New on the Site' will replace the current quarterly Newsletter format. Traditionally we have sent out e-mail updates with the quarterly newsletter. This will change and e-mail updates will be sent out every month or two as the new additions and changes to the site accumulate. Currently we are finding that after three months it is very hard to remember all the important changes to the site, not to mention the minor changes. See the 'New on the Site' entries by month: May entries, June entries, July entries. The Advanced Search page has been updated and simplified. All of the regions related to Himalayan 'style' art have been incorporated into the two search choices of Paintings (two-dimensional) and Sculpture & Artifacts (three-dimesnsional). Working towards an online curriculum for Himalayan 'style' Art the HAR team has created a new outline page How to Identify a Deity followed by outlines explaining Gender, Mood, Colour, Configuration, Posture and Attributes. From the Colours Outline page a further page examining those forms that are portrayed as multi-coloured deities has also been created. NEW LINKS
The Tibetan & Himalayan Library. The Tibetan and Himalayan Library (THL) is a publisher of websites, information services, and networking facilities relating to the Tibetan plateau and southern Himalayan regions. University of Virginia. Archaeology and Landscape in the Altai Mountains of Mongolia. University of Oregon. The Silver Jug of the Lhasa Jokhang: a Reply by Ulrich von Schroeder & Joachim G. Karsten. A Reply to the Article by Amy Heller in Silk Road Art and Archaeology and in Asianart. The Lungta Collaborative, The Living Blessings of Lo by Maureen Drdak. |
Four new museum collections have been added to the site. Cataloguing will take several weeks to complete for all of the collections. The Asian Art Museum SF objects have been catalogued. NEW OUTLINES & UPDATES
Afghanistan: Hidden Treasures from the National Museum, Kabul. June 23, 2009�September 20, 2009. Metropolitan Museum. Japanese Mandalas: Emanations and Avatars. June 18, 2009�November 29, 2009. Metropolitan Museum. Tibetan Arms and Armor from the Permanent Collection. Through fall 2010
Arms and Armor Galleries. Metropolitan Museum. A Collector's Passion
South Asian Selections from the Nalin Collection. June 12, 2009 - November 9, 2009. Rubin Museum of Art. Mandala The Perfect Circle. August 14, 2009 - January 11, 2010. Rubin Museum of Art. Upcoming - Maps & Murals of Tibet & Nepal
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