Palpung: Lineage Paintings Page
All of the images below are are related to the Palpung Monastery painting style developed by Situ Panchen in the 18th century. They are belong to incomplete sets of either the Sertreng Lineage Teachers, or possibly to incarnation lineage sets.
- Palpung & Rumtek Painting Set Comparison
- Karma Kagyu Lineage Painting Sets
- Karma Kagyu Lineage Painting Sets, Part 2
This set of two identified compositions, 407 & 675, appears to belong to a full set of the Sertreng Lineage paintings. Compositions that also should be proper Sertreng Lineage paintings are HAR #107, 937, 65603, 65823, 85709, 98941 and 102244. There is some doubt concerning the remaining compositions.
This group of Three Compositions could possibly be complete and represents Karmapa, Shamar and Situ, similar to a triptych.
Jeff Watt 11-2024