Himalayan Art Resources

Collection Index: Museums

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Collection Index Page:
- Museums & Institutions (below)
--- North America
--- Asia
--- Europe
- Private Collections
- Photographic Archives
- Publications
- Auction Houses

Video: Collections on the HAR Site (9 min. Public)

Museum & Institutions: North America

- American Museum of Natural History, New York
- Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution
- Asia Society, New York
- Asian Art Museum, San Francisco
- Burke Museum, Seattle, Washington
- Brooklyn Museum of Art, New York
- Chicago Art Institute, Chicago
- Cleveland Museum of Art, Ohio
- Crow Collection of Asian Art, Dallas
- Dallas Museum of Art, Texas
- Denver Art Museum, Colorado
- Detroit Institute of Arts, Michigan
- Erie Art Museum, Pennsylvania
- The Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago
- Freer Gallery of Art, Smithsonian Institution
- Harvard Art Museums
- Indianapolis Museum of Art
- Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Center for Visual Arts at Stanford Univ., Calif.
- The Jacques Marchais Museum of Tibetan Art, New York
- Kham Aid Foundation, California
- Ligmincha Institute, Charlottesville, Virginia
- Los Angeles County Museum of Art, California
- Mead Art Museum, Amherst College, Massachusetts
- The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
- Minneapolis Institute of Art
- Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
- Museum of Vancouver, B.C., Canada
- National Gallery of Canada
- The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Missouri
- Newark Museum, New Jersey
- Norton Simon Museum
- Nicholas Roerich Museum, New York
- Pacific Asia Museum, California
- Parrish Art Museum
- Philadelphia Museum of Art, Pennsylvania
- Phoenix Art Museum
- Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada
- Rubin Museum of Art, New York
- San Diego Museum of Art, California
- Santa Barbara Museum of Art, California
- Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art, Pennsylvania
- Tibet House, New York
- University of Arizona
- University of Michigan Museum of Anthropology
- Virginia Museum of Fine Art (VMFA)
- Walters Museum (See Ford Collection)
- Yale University Art Gallery
- Others...

Museums: Asia

- Bangkok National Museum, Thailand
- Bon Religion & Culture Museum, Dolanji, India (coming soon)
- Buryat Historical Museum, Buryat, Russia
- The Capital Museum, Beijing
- Chhatrapati Shivaji Museum, Mumbai, India
- China-Tibet Institute Collection, Beijing, China (coming soon)
- Chojin Lama Museum, Mongolia
- Danza Rabjaa Museum, Mongolia
- Dargye Museum, Chengdu, China
- Dolanji Monastery (Initiation Cards), India
- Dzamtang Tsangwa Monastery, China
- Hahn Cultural Foundation, Korea
- Imperial Palace, Beijing, China
- Matho Monastery, Ladakh, India
- National Museum of India, New Delhi
- Norbulingka Institute, India
- Patan Museum, Kathmandu, Nepal
- Prince of Wales Museum of Art, Mumbai, India (coming soon)
- Shanghai Museum, (PRC) China
- Sainshand Museum, Mongolia
- Shechen Archives, Kathmandu, Nepal
- Sichuan Provincial Museum, Chengdu
- Sichuan University Museum, Chengdu
- Sichuan Minorities University Museum, Chengdu
- Tibet House Museum, New Delhi
- Tibet Museum, Lhasa
- Tsering Art School, Kathmandu, Nepal
- Winter Palace Museum, Mongolia
- Zanabazar Museum of Fine Arts, Mongolia
- Zhiguan Museum of Fine Art, Beijing, China
- Xining Medical Museum, Qinghai, China
- Xixia Museum, Wuwai, Gansu, China
- Others...

Museums: Europe

- The Ashmolean Museum of Art & Archaeology, Oxford, England
- Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford
- The British Museum, London
- Guimet Musee National, Paris
- Museum der Kulturen, Basel, Switzerland
- National Gallery in Prague, Czech Republic
- Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford
- Rietberg Museum, Zurich
- St Antony's College, University of Oxford
- The Victoria and Albert Museum, London
- Wellcome Trust, London
- Others...

Dzamtang Tsangwa Monastery

Jeff Watt [updated 7-2018, 2-2019]