Origin Location | China |
Date Range | 1700 - 1799 |
Lineages | Gelug and Buddhist |
Material | Ground Mineral Pigment on Cotton |
Collection | Philadelphia Museum of Art |
Classification: Person
Appearance: Monastic
Gender: Male
Bhaviveka as a previous incarnation of the Panchen Lama. This composition belongs to a thirteen painting set depicting all of the Panchen Lamas and a selection of pre-incarnations up to and including the life of the 3rd Panchen Lama.
Art Represented in Art: behind the head and upper body of Abhayakaragupta is a traditional Chinese screen with a landscape depiction of mountains, trees and water.
Jeff Watt 8-2010
Thematic Sets
Indian Scholar: Bhavaviveka Main Page
Collection of Philadelphia Museum of Art: Panchen Lama Set
Collection of Philadelphia Museum of Art
Subject: Art Depicted in Art
Subject: Art Depicted in Art (Paintings)
Incarnation Lineage: Panchen Lama (Nartang Style Composition)
Incarnation Lineage: Panchen (Nartang Masterworks)
Painting Set: Panchen, Nartang (Philadelphia)