Date Range | 1800 - 1899 |
Material | Ground Mineral Pigment, Black Background on Cotton |
Collection | Rubin Museum of Art |
Catalogue # | acc.# P1994.16.2 |
Classification: Deity
Appearance: Wrathful
Gender: Male
Summary: This form of Mahakala can be either a protector deity (dharmapala) or a meditational deity (ishtadevata).
Chaturbhuja Vajra Nata Mahakala (Tibetan: gon po chag shi pa, dor je nag po chen po. English: The Great Black Vajra Lord with Four Hands) embracing the consort.
Learn how to read this painting: Analysis | Interpretation | Identification
Sanskrit: Chaturbhuja Tibetan: Chag shi pa
At the top center is the primordial Buddha Vajradhara, to the left mahasiddha Tilopa and Naropa on the right. At the center below is the tutelary deity Heruka Chakrasamvara with Shabdrung Ngagwang Namgyal on the left and Lord Jamgon on the right. At the middle right is Shri Devi (Tib.: pal den lha mo) and on the left Raven-Headed Mahakala (Tib.: gon po cha rog dong chen). At the lower center is the Direction King of the North Vaishravana with the mountain goddess Tseringma on the left and Yudronma on the right. Along the bottom are four worldly protectors indigenous to Bhutan.
List of Figures According to the Hierarchy of the Composition:
1. Chaturbhuja Mahakala
2. Chakrasamvara Heruka
3. Kakamukha Mahakala (Raven-headed)
4. Shri Devi
5. Vajradhara
6. Tilopa
7. Naropa
8. Shabdrung Ngagwang Namgyal
9. Je Jamgon
10. Vaishravana Riding a Lion
11. Tseringma Riding a Snow Lion
12. Dorje Yudronma Holding a Drum
13. Ra Dragpa (Regional Protector, Bhutan)
14. Tsiu Marpo
15. Unidentified
16. Mu Tsen (Regional Protector, Bhutan)
Jeff Watt 4-2000 [updated 1-2010]
Thematic Sets
Subject: Reading A Painting Main Page
Mahakala: Chaturbhuja, Four-hands (Betapala)
Region: Bhutan, Paintings
Mahakala: Chaturbhuja, Four-hands Main Page
Mahakala (Kagyu)
Region: Bhutan, Protectors
Mahakala - Chaturbhuja (with Consort)