Origin Location | Nepal |
Date Range | 1400 - 1499 |
Lineages | Buddhist |
Material | Ground Mineral Pigment on Cotton |
Collection | Private |
Classification: Deity
Chakrasamvara Sixty-two Deity Mandala according to the tradition of Krishnacharin (Tibetan: khor lo dem chog gyi kyil kor. English: the Wheel of Supreme Bliss) with various deities at the top and bottom registers.
Within the center of the mandala, representing the view from above of a three-dimensional celestial palace and surroundings is the meditational deity Chakrasamvara, blue in color, with four faces and twelve hands. In the first pair of hands crossed at the heart he hold a vajra and bell and embraces the consort red Vajravarahi. The couple is surrounded by the red flames of pristine awareness. Immediately around the central couple are four female figures: Dakini, Lama, Khandarohe, and Rupini. Outside of that are three concentric circles. The deities in the innermost circle are blue and represent mind. Outside of that they are red and represent speech and outside of that they are white and represent body. In the surrounding square are four more figures along with another four standing at the four doors, 'T-shaped' structures, of the outer square.
At the upper left is Ratnasambhava Chakrasamvara. At the upper right is Amitabha Chakrasamvara. At the lower right is Amoghasiddhi Chakrasamvara. At the lower left is Vairochana Chakrasamvara. The central mandala represents Akshobhya Chakrasamavara (inclusive of the other four Buddha Families).
In the bottom register at the far right and left are Vajracharya priests and donor figures.
Jeff Watt 2-2013