Himalayan Art Resources

Item: Teacher (Lama) - Dragpa Gyaltsen (Jetsun)

བླ་མ། 喇嘛
(item no. 30916)
Origin Location Tibet
Date Range 1500 - 1599
Lineages Sakya, Ngor (Sakya) and Buddhist
Material Ground Mineral Pigment on Cotton
Collection Private
Notes about the Central Figure

Classification: Person

Appearance: Lay Person

Gender: Male

TBRC: bdr:P1614

Interpretation / Description

Dragpa Gyaltsen (1147-1216): the Fifth Throne Holder of Sakya and the third son of Sachen Kunga Nyingpo. The surrounding teachers depict the Mahasiddha Kanha Hevajra lineage. This painting is one from a set of approximately thirty compositions depicting the Sakya Lamdre lineage.

Lower Register Figures from the Bari Gyatsa:
Three Lords of the World
42. Prajnaparamita
46. Parnashavari
6O. Ushnishavijaya
74. Shri Hayagriva
78. Sukla Tara

[42] Prajnaparamita.
Prajnaparamita, yellow, with one face. The two hands are performing the Dharma teaching gesture. The left [hand] holds a blue lotus, and a [Prajna] paramita book above it. [Having] the same ornaments and garments and [buddha] family. Seated in the vajrasana [posture].

[46] Parnashavari.
Parnashavari, [with] three faces and six hands. The main face is yellow, the right white and the left yellow. Also, each [face] has three eyes and is haughty and smiling. The three right hands hold, a vajra, axe and arrow. The three left, a wrathful [gesture] together with a lasso, a fan of new leaves and a bow. Having a crown of hair tied with a flower. Adorned with jewel ornaments and wearing a lower garment of new leaves. Kneeling above hindrances, the right heel blocking the lower door and the sole of the left foot placed on the seat.

[60] Ushnishavijaya.
Inside a vase stupa [above] a lotus and moon, ...Ushnishavijaya, with a body white in colour, three faces and eight hands. The main face is white, the right yellow and the left red. Each face has three eyes. The four right hands hold, a visvavajra, Amitabha resting upon a white lotus, an arrow and gesture of supreme generosity. The left, a wrathful [gesture] together with a lasso, a bow, gesture of fearlessness and a nectar filled vase. Having jewel ornaments and garments of silk. Seated in the vajrasana [posture].

[74] Shri Hayagriva.
Shri Hayagriva, [with] a body red in colour, three faces and eight hands. The main face is red and smiling, the right blue with the tongue curled and the left white, biting the lower lip with the eye-teeth. Each face has three eyes. The four right [hands] hold, a vajra, stick, blossoming lotus and an arrow. The four left, a wrathful [gesture], the left breast, a lotus and bow. With yellow hair bristling upwards, ornaments of snake and a lower garment of tiger skin. Standing in a manner with the left leg extended.

[78] Sukla Tara: Tara Showing Virtuous Action.
The Holy White Tara Showing Virtuous Action, with three faces and six hands. The main face is white, the right yellow and the left black. Each face has three eyes and bared fangs. The three right hands hold, the [gesture of] supreme generosity, a garland and an arrow. The three left, an utpala, lotus and bow. Wearing the hair as a crown. Having a crown of five dry human skulls [and] a half moon at the top of the head. Adorned with all ornaments [and] wearing a lower garment of tiger skin and supported at the back by a moon. Seated in the manner of a half [vajrasana] posture. (Extracted from the text 'A Lamp Removing Obscurations' by Ngorchen Konchog Lhundrub. Translated by (copyright) Jetsun Kusho Chimey Luding and Jeff Watt, Vancouver, Canada: 1984).

Jeff Watt 1-2013

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