Himalayan Art Resources

Item: Padmasambhava

པད་མ་འབྱུང་གནས། 莲花生大士
(item no. 31213)
Origin Location Tibet
Date Range 1500 - 1599
Lineages Nyingma, Sakya and Buddhist
Material Ground Mineral Pigment on Cotton
Collection Private
Notes about the Central Figure

Classification: Deity

Interpretation / Description

Padmasambhava (Tibetan: pema jung ne. English: the Lotus Born): from the land of Oddiyana, Padmasambhava is considered one of the three principal founders of Tibetan Buddhism in the 8th century.

At the center is Padmasambhava with the consort Mandarava standing on the viewer's left and Yeshe Tsogyal on the right. At the top left is blue Vajradhara and ornage Prajnaparamita. On the right is Sakya pandita and an unidentified Karmapa.

At the bottom is a Tibetan teacher with a yellow hat and monastic robes. The protector on the left is Bernagchen and the protector on the right Panjarnata Mahakala.

Jeff Watt 2-2014

Secondary Images
Related Items
Thematic Sets
Padmasambhava Main Page
Collection of Tamashige Tibet Collection
Padmasambhava: Patchwork Robe Examples
Padmasambhava: Early Images (Primary & Secondary)
Padmasambhava Early Images (Central Figure)