Himalayan Art Resources

Item: Pratisara (Buddhist Deity) - (Vajrapanjara: One Face, Two Hands)

སོ་སོར་འབྲང་མ། ནང་ལྷ། 随求佛母(佛教本尊)
(item no. 32769)
Origin Location Mongolia
Date Range 1700 - 1799
Lineages Buddhist
Material Metal
Collection Private
Notes about the Central Figure

Classification: Deity

Interpretation / Description

Pratisara, Maha: according to the Vajrapanjara Tantra, chapter 15. This deity is most commonly associated with the group known as the Pancha Raksha - the Five Protectors - related to early vidya and dharani texts. The Vajrapanjara Pratisara is related to the Hevajra cycle of Tantras and is grouped with two other deities referred to as the outer activity practices of the Vajrapanjara Tantra. The Vajrapanjara group of three are Bhutadamara Vajrapani, White Prajnaparamita and White Pratisara.

"...Bhagavani Pratisara, with a body white in colour, one face and two arms. The right [hand] holds aloft a wisdom sword to the sky. The left [hand] holds to the heart a gold wheel with eight spokes. Wearing various heavenly clothes as an upper and lower garment, the hair on the head in black braids, some falling loose, [some] tied on the crown of the head, adorned with ornaments of jewels and fresh flowers, youthful and sixteen years of age, standing with the two feet apart in a [squatting] manner (yantra)." (Konchog Lhundrub (1497-1557 [p783]). (Drub Tab Kun Tus, vol.6, pages 155-156).

Pratisara Lineage: Vajadhara, Nairatmya, Yogeshvara Virupa, Dombipa [Heruka], Ngotsar Dorje, Nagpotropa, Garbharipa, Jayashri, Durjayachandra, Viravajra, Lachen Drogmi, Seton, Konchog Gyalpo, Jestun Gongma Nga, Namka Palzang, Palden Sengge, Sonam Gyaltsen, Palden Tsultrim, Yeshe Gyaltsen, Ngorchen Dorje Chang, Gyaltsab Kunga Wangchug, Konchog Pel, Konchog Lhundrub (1497-1557 [p783]), etc. (Drub Tab Kun Tus. Lineage Text, page 526).

"...Pratisara, with a body white in colour, one face, and two hands. The right [hand] holds a sword aloft [and the] left a white wheel to the heart. The two legs are standing in a [squatting] round manner. Beautiful and smiling, adorned with all of the heavenly garments and precious ornaments." (Rinjung Gyatsa, page 513. Jonang Taranata 1575-1634).

The Jonang lineage for Pratisara is the same as the lineage above until it reaches the 16th century and then branches off with teachers such as Kunga Drolchog and Jonang Taranata.

Jeff Watt 12-2013

Secondary Images
Related Items
Glossary: Postures in Iconography

Thematic Sets
Region: Mongolia, School of Zanabazar (Masterworks)
Publication: The Art of Buddhist Sculpture
Buddhist Deity: Pratisara (Vajrapanjara Tantra)
Sculpture: Zanabazar Style (Female Figures)
Buddhist Deity: Pratisara Masterworks
Subject: Three Deities of the Vajrapanjara Tantra
Sculpture: Mongolia
Sculpture: Zanabazar Style (Peaceful Appearance)
Subject: Posture
Buddhist Deity: Pancha Raksha (Sculpture Masterworks)
Buddhist Deity: Pratisara Main Page
Sculpture: Zanabazar Style (Mongolia)