Himalayan Art Resources

Item: King - Gesar

རྒྱལ་པོ། 国王
(item no. 47440)
Origin Location India
Date Range 1960 -
Lineages Buddhist
Collection Private
Notes about the Central Figure

Classification: Person

Appearance: Warrior

Gender: Male

Interpretation / Description

Gesar Norbu Dradul Retinue Figures.

At the top right is the brother of Gesar, Dong Bumpa'i Gyatsa Shalkar (gdong 'bum pa'i rgya tsazhal dkar).

Slightly below to the left is Gesar's nephew and the first in the line of Lingtsang Kings after Ling gesar, Lhase Dralha Tsegyal (lha sras dgra lha rtse rgyal).

At the top left is the first of the thirty Generals of Gesar, Chipon Rongtsa Tragan (spyi dpon rong tsha khra rgan).

Below those figures are the three mightiest of all of the generals in the army of Ling Gesar. The three are known as the Tra Lag Jang Sum (khra glag spyang gsum). The figure on the lower right is Tsazhal Danma Jangtra (tsha zhal 'dan ma byang khra).

In the middle is Pala Sengtag Adom (dpa' la seng stag a dom).

On the lower left side is Druga De Chokyong Bernag ('bru sga sde chos skyong ber nag).

Jeff Watt 7-2011

Related Items
Thematic Sets
King: Gesar Murals (Dzongsar Insititute, India)
Region: India, Dzongsar Institute, Bir, H.P. (SRG Archive, 2009)
King: Gesar Main Page