Himalayan Art Resources

Item: Mandala of Vasudhara (Buddhist Deity) - (1 face, 6 hands)

ནོར་རྒྱུན་མ། ནང་ལྷ། 财源天母(佛教本尊)
(item no. 59966)
Origin Location Nepal
Date Range 1300 - 1399
Lineages Buddhist
Size 103.50x87.60cm (40.75x34.49in)
Material Ground Mineral Pigment on Cotton
Collection Private
Notes about the Central Figure

Classification: Deity

Appearance: Peaceful

Gender: Female

Interpretation / Description

Vasudhara Mandala. Dated 1365. Artist: Jasaraja Jirila.

"Vasudhara, yellow, with one face and six hands; in a manner happily seated at play. The first right hand is in a gesture of supreme generosity, the second 'raining jewels,' the third with the hand in a gesture accompanying singing. The first left holds an abundant vase, the second a sheaf of grain, the third [holds] the Prajnaparamita text; adorned with all jewel ornaments."

This form of Vasudhara arises from the Togpa Chungwa and the Vajravali text of Abhayakaragupta.

Jeff Watt [updated 5-2019]

Newari Inscription: om sristanyayaksi, srimani // sreyostu samvat 485 magha krsna titithau yokoche khila xx paksa khadvasurisa datara krta iya vasudhara pata //acaju srijulo vahara raju jusana vamtasohasake dajaka guthisamuhaske dunta juro // xxx ju jasaraja jirilasyam liksita jasapta subhamastu //

English translation: The great milk Yakshi, the great Jewel. May it be auspicious. In the Year 485 [C.E. 1365] on the Third day or tithi of the dark half of The month of Magha [January-February] the inhabitants of Yokoche ... Paksa, and Khadvasuri, The donors, commissioned this painting of Vasudhara. The priest teacher [Skt. acharya] sri Julo, Vahara, and Raju are...responsible for establishing the Guthi. Jasaraja Jirila painted this painting.

[Gautama Vajracharya, 2003; After P. Pal Himalayas: An Aesthetic Adventure, Chicago, 2003, pl. 32, p. 60. pp. 45, 60]

Front of Painting
English Translation of Inscription: [The painting has a lengthy dedication inscription along with donor names and a date]

Secondary Images
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Collection: Kapoor Galleries (Masterworks)
Mandala: Early Works (1100-1399)
Nepal: Masterworks (Painting)
Buddhist Deity: Vasudhara, Six Hands
Buddhist Deity: Vasudhara (Mandala)
Buddhist Deity: Vasudhara Religious Context
Buddhist Deity: Vasudhara Main Page
Mandala: Masterworks Page
Buddhist Deity: Vasudhara (Masterworks)
Collection: Kapoor Galleries
Buddhist Deity: Vasudhara (19 Deities)