Origin Location | Tibet |
Date Range | 1500 - 1599 |
Lineages | Sakya and Buddhist |
Material | Ground Mineral Pigment on Cotton |
Collection | Rubin Museum of Art |
Sachen Kunga Nyingpo (1092-1158): the foremost teacher of the Sakya School, 3rd throne holder of Sakya.
Sa chen kun ga nyin po
Biographical Details
Compassionately smiling with the composure of an elder the right hand is extended forward in the gesture of generosity while the left holds to the heart the stem of a lotus flower blossoming at the left ear. Wearing flowing garments of various colours in the manner of a layman he sits, emanating a blue nimbus and red aureola, atop a moon disc and multi-coloured lotus seat rising on a thick stem above a blue lotus pond.
At the proper right of Sachen is Sonam Tsemo (1142-1182), the eldest son shown in a youthful manner with black hair and performing the teaching gesture with the two hands. To the left is Dragpa Gyaltsen (1147-1216), the second son, holding a vajra and a bell.
At the top and descending on Sachen's right are the teachers of the Path and Result Lineage (Lamdre) belonging to the mahasiddha Virupa along with the deity Hevajra. Descending on the left is the lineage of Chakrasamvara belonging to the system of the mahasiddha Luipa along with the deity Chakrasamvara.
At the bottom center is Panjarnata Mahakala with Brahmanarupa Mahakala on the right and Shri Devi with four hands on the left. Again to the right and left are servant and entourage figures belonging to the retinue of Panjarnata. Above those at the lower right and left are Vajravidarana, Yellow Jambhala, Chaturbhuja Mahakala and Ushnishavijaya.
Jeff Watt 10-2007
Front of Painting
English Translation of Inscription: No inscriptions
Reverse of Painting
English Translation of Inscription: (See reverse)
Special Features: (Printed script (Uchen), is red, includes "Om Ah Hum" inscription)