Himalayan Art Resources

Item: Avalokiteshvara (Bodhisattva & Buddhist Deity) - Khasarpani (Sky Flier)

སྤྱན་རས་གཟིགས། 观音菩萨
(item no. 7858)
Collection Private
Notes about the Central Figure

Alternate Names: Lokeshvara Avalokita Lokanata Lokanatha Mahakarunika

Classification: Deity

Appearance: Peaceful

Gender: Male

Interpretation / Description

Avalokiteshvara, Khasarpanai(a) Lokanata (Lord of the World): Lokanata (Lokanatha) is an alternate name for Lokeshvara.

"...[20] Khasarpani. Avalokiteshvara Khasarpani, with a body white in colour, one face and two hands, the right in supreme generosity [and] the left holding a lotus. With the hair adorned as a crown, the same ornaments and garments. Seated in the half [vajra] posture. At the right side is Green Tara, [with] the right in supreme generosity and the left holding an utpala [and] Yellow Manidharin holding a Dharma kapala with palms joined. At the left are Yellow Bhrikuti, [with] the right in supreme generosity and the left holding a three pointed stick [and] Red Hayagriva, in a manner of bowing with the right [hand], and the left holding a stick under the beard." (By Ngorchen Konchog Lhundrub (1497-1557). Based on the Bari Gyatsa of Bari Lotsawa Rinchen Drag, 1040-1112 [P3731]).

Lokanata is peaceful in appearance with one face and two hands. The proper right hand may well have been extended over the knee in a gesture of generosity. The left arm might have been placed in a manner with the left hand in front of the heart holding the stem of a flower blossoming over the left shoulder. Adorned with a crown, jewelry, heavenly garments, he sits with the right leg pendant and the left drawn up atop a double lotus and throne seat. A small image of Amitabha Buddha can be seen on the front of the head just above the crown. This form of Lokeshvara does not have a deerskin over the proper left shoulder.

Standing to the proper right side of Lokeshvara is Tara. Below that is manidharin. Standing at the proper left is Bhrikuti. Below that is Hayagriva.

Jeff Watt 4-2017

Secondary Images
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