Himalayan Art Resources

Item: Yama Dharmaraja (Buddhist Protector) - Outer

གཤིན་རྗེ་ཆོས་རྒྱལ། 阎罗法王
(item no. 855)
Origin Location Tibet
Date Range 1700 - 1799
Lineages Gelug
Size 57.15x37.47cm (22.50x14.75in)
Material Ground Mineral Pigment, Black Background on Cotton
Collection Rubin Museum of Art
Catalogue # acc.# P1999.14.1
Notes about the Central Figure

Classification: Deity

Appearance: Animal-Feature

Gender: Male

Interpretation / Description

Yama Dharmaraja (Tibetan: shin je cho gyal. English: the Lord of Death, King of the Law): protector of the Vajrabhairava (Yamantaka) cycle of tantras.

Tibetan: Shin je cho gyal

Indian Lineage: Vajradhara, Shri Vajrabhairava, Jnana Dakini, Lalitavajra, Vajrasana, Amoghavajra, Jnana Sambhava Bepa, Padmavajra, Dipamkara Shrijnana, (the Nepali) Bharo Chag Dum, (the Tibetan) Ra Lotsawa Dorje Drag, etc.

Jeff Watt 4-2001

Related Items
Thematic Sets
Buddhist Protectors: Enlightened
Painting Type: Black Ground Main Page
Collection of Rubin Museum of Art: Painting Gallery 8
Buddhist Protector: Yama Dharmaraja Main Page
Tradition: Gelug Protectors
Exhibition: Awaken (Rubin Museum)
Collection of RMA: Black Ground Masterworks
Buddhist Protector: Yama Dharmaraja, Outer