Himalayan Art Resources

Item: Manjushri (Bodhisattva & Buddhist Deity) - Vadisimha

འཇམ་དཔལ་དབྱངས། 文殊师利菩萨
(item no. 86529)
Origin Location China
Date Range 1700 - 1799
Lineages Buddhist
Size 406.40x233.68cm (160x92in)
Material Ground: Textile Image, Applique
Collection The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Notes about the Central Figure

Classification: Deity

Interpretation / Description

Konchog Lhundrub edited version of the Bari Gyatsa:

[6] Vadi Raja Manjushri. [Above] a blue lion with the head looking to the right, in the middle, is a lotus, moon...Vadi Raja Manjushri, with a body colour like melted gold. The two hands are held at the heart performing the Dharma teaching gesture [and] the left holds a blue utpala with a Prajnaparamita book resting upon it. With the same ornaments and garments, seated in the lalitaraja posture. At the front left is Krodha Yama, with a body blue in colour, one face and two hands. The right is held supporting the shin of the Blessed One and the left holds a lasso. With three eyes and bared fangs, yellow hair bristling upwards, the head adorned with a garland of skulls and wearing a lower garment of tiger skin; standing in a manner looking at the face of the Lord.

[7] Maharaja Manjushri. [Above] a lion, lotus and moon...is Manjushri with a body orange in colour, one face and two hands, seated in the lalitaraja [posture]. The right hand is extended with the palm down on the right knee, the left holds to the heart a blue utpala stem, with the petals blossoming beside the ear, the same ornaments and garments.

Jeff Watt 6-2015 [updated 11-2018]

(sGrub thabs kun btus Lineages. Folio 456).

Secondary Images
Related Items
Contents: Gandavyuha Sutra, List of Teachers

Thematic Sets
Buddhist Deity: Manjushri (Painting Masterworks)
Collection of The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Textiles)
Indian Scholar: Sūdhana Kumara
Buddhist Deity: Manjushri (Riding a Lion)
Buddhist Deity: Manjushri Videos
Buddhist Deity: Manjushri (Padampa Tradition)
Textile: Main Page
Buddhist Deity: Manjushri (Bari Gyatsa, edited)
Buddhist Deity: Manjushri Art History
Buddhist Deity: Manjushri Source Texts, Tantra (84000: Translating the Words of the Buddha)
Tantra Classification: Charya Tantra Masterworks
Collection of The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Main Page
Tradition: Zhije & Chod (Pacifying, Cutting, Severing)
Buddhist Deity: Sarasvati (blue) & Manjushri