Himalayan Art Resources

Item: Mandala of Chakrasamvara (Buddhist Deity)

འཁོར་ལོ་བདེ་མཆོག། ནང་ལྷ། 勝樂金剛 (全图)
(item no. 87085)
Origin Location Tibet
Date Range 1400 - 1499
Lineages Sakya, Ngor (Sakya) and Buddhist
Material Ground Mineral Pigment on Cotton
Collection Philadelphia Museum of Art
Notes about the Central Figure

Classification: Deity

Interpretation / Description

Chakrasamvara mandalas from a set of paintings depicting the Vajravali System of Mandalas and corresponding initiations.

Related Items
Thematic Sets
Mandala: Four Mandala Composition
Painting Set: Vajravali Ngor 2
Buddhist Deity: Chakrasamvara (Mandala Masterworks)
Collection of Philadelphia Museum of Art: Mandala (Masterworks)
Collection of Philadelphia Museum of Art: Sakya Mandalas
Buddhist Deity: Chakrasamvara Mandala (Early Works)
Buddhist Deity: Chakrasamvara (Luipa Tradition)
Collection of Philadelphia Museum of Art
Collection of Philadelphia Museum of Art (Sakya Masterpieces)
Collection of Philadelphia Museum of Art (Masterworks)
Mandala: Masterworks Page
Buddhist Deity: Chakrasamvara Mandala Configurations
Collection of Philadelphia Museum of Art: Mandala Paintings
Collection of Philadelphia Museum of Art: Sakya Tradition