Himalayan Art Resources

Item: Mandala of Mandala

དཀྱིལ་འཁོར། 曼陀罗(主页)(坛城)
(item no. 90903)
Origin Location Tibet
Date Range 1700 - 1799
Lineages Buddhist
Material Ground Mineral Pigment on Silk
Collection Tibet House, New York
Interpretation / Description

Wrathful Mandala (Tibetan: drag po'i kyil khor, Sanskrit: krodha mandala): a 19 or 20 deity mandala with the central figure standing on a triangle base and inner sanctum with one door. Small circles represent the deities. The four main retinue deities stand on a four-spoke weapon wheel of four colours; white, yellow, red and green. The outer ten deities stand on a ten-spoke wheel. Four guardians stand at the four doors represented by the 'T' shaped structures. The square shape of the outer walls rests atop a large double vajra (Skt.: visvavajra) and ring of lotus petals further surrounded by the eight great charnel grounds, ring of vajras and the five coloured flames of pristine awareness.

Jeff Watt 4-2000

Related Items
Thematic Sets
Mandala: Mandala Main Page
Collection of Tibet House: New York (Repatriation)
Collection of Tibet House, NY (Misc. Paintings)
Collection of Tibet House, NY (Unidentified Subjects)
Region: Swat Valley Style Sculpture (Masterworks)