Himalayan Art Resources

Item: Indian Adept (siddha) - Virupa

རྒྱ་གར་གྱི་གྲུབ་ཆེན། 印度大成就者
(item no. 9187)
Lineages Buddhist
Collection Private
Notes about the Central Figure

Classification: Person

Appearance: Mahasiddha

Gender: Male

TBRC: bdr:P3293

Interpretation / Description

Related Items
Thematic Sets
Indian Adept: Identifiable Mahasiddhas
Indian Adept: Virupa (Dharma Teaching Gesture)
Subject: Lamdre (Margapala)
Indian Adept: Virupa Main Page
Indian Adept: Virupa (Sculpture Masterworks)
Indian Adept: Virupa (Sculpture Masterworks, Curator's Selection)
Publication: A Concise History of the Glorious Sakyapa School
Publication: May IV (Sculpture)
Sculpture Set: Lamdre Lineage (Dratang/Mindrolling)
Subject: Corpulent Figures in Art
Indian Adept: Virupa Iconography
Indian Adept: Mahasiddha Masterworks (Sculpture)
Indian Adept: Virupa (Sculpture Masterworks, Teaching Gesture)
Indian Adept: Virupa (Sculpture Masterworks, Large Examples)