[Shakyamuni Buddha]
with a shining form the colour of gold, with one face and two hands, sitting
in vajra posture; homage to you with one hand touching the ground and
the other in meditation.
[1] On the great snow mountain of Kailash is the noble elder Angaja, surrounded by 1,300 arhats; homage to the one holding an incense bowl and flywhisk.
[2] On the Rishi mountain in Crystal Cave is the noble elder Ajita, surrounded by 100 arhats; homage to the one with the two hands placed in meditation.
[3] In the mountain cave of Seven-leaves is the noble elder Vanavasin, surrounded by 1,400 arhats; homage to the one with a pointing gesture and a flywhisk.
[4] On the good continent of Jambudvipa [Southern Continent] is the noble elder Kalika, surrounded by 1,100 arhats; homage to the one holding a pair of gold earrings.
[5] On the Island of Singha [Sri Lanka] is the noble elder Vajriputra, surrounded by 1,000 arhats; homage to the one performing a pointing gesture and holding a fly whisk.
[6] On an Island in the Yamuna River is the noble elder Bhadra, surrounded by 1,200 arhats; homage to the one performing [the gestures] of Dharma explication and meditation.
[7] In the excellent land of Kashmir is the noble elder Kanakavatsa, surrounded by 500 arhats; homage to the one holding a jewel lasso.
[8] On the wealthy [continent] of Apara-Godaniya is the noble elder Kanaka Bharadvaja, surrounded by 700 arhats; homage to the one with the two hands placed in meditation.
[9] On the northern [continent] of Kuru is the noble elder Bakula, surrounded by 900 arhats; homage to the one holding a mongoose with the two hands.
[10] On the Island of Priyangku is the noble elder Rahula, surrounded by 1,100 arhats; homage to the one holding a jewel tiara.
[11] On Vulture Peak Mountain [Bihar, India] is the noble elder Chudapantaka, surrounded by 1,600 arhats; homage to the one with the two hands placed in meditation.
[12] On the Eastern [continent] of Purva-Videha is the noble elder Pindola Bharadvaja, surrounded by 1,100 arhats; homage to the one holding a book and begging bowl.
[13] In the Heavens of the Thirty-Three is the noble elder Pantaka, surrounded by 900 arhats; homage to the one [performing] Dharma explication and holding a book.
[14] On the king of mountains, Vipulaparshva, is the noble elder Nagasena, surrounded by 1,200 arhats; homage to the one holding a vase and staff.
[15] On the king of mountains, Bihula, is the noble elder Gopaka, surrounded by 1,400 arhats; homage to the one holding a book with the two hands.
[16] On the King of Snow Mountains is the noble elder Abheda, surrounded by 1,100 arhats; homage to the one holding an enlightenment stupa.
Homage to the noble upasaka [layman] Dharmata with the hair in a topknot and a load of books, holding a flywhisk and vase, gazing forward on Amitabha in the sky.
You with the power of strength, guard well the Buddha�s doctrine, homage to the Great Kings in the four directions of east [Dhritarashtra], south [Virudhaka], west [Virupaksha] and north [Vaishravana]. (Tibetan Buddhist liturgical verse).