Himalayan Art Resources

Iconography: Reversed Images

Suspect Art Page

Some tantric figures appearing in art, museum and private collections, are mistakes which were done innocently because of inaccurate copying or tracing. Some iconographic mistakes are done simply out of a lack of knowledge of what is correct. Other iconographic mistakes are purposely done to avoid any type of karmic retribution for making religious icon to be sold in the marketplace, considered by some to be unvirtuous.

Video: Reversed Images

- Reversed Images
- Incorrect Attributes
- Incorrect Secondary Figures
- Unknown Figures
- Film/slide/digital image reversed
- Others...

Deity Images:
- Hayagriva
- Yama Dharmaraja
- White Tara
- Unidentified Figure

Jeff Watt, 2-2024

(The images below are only a small selection of examples).