Himalayan Art Resources

Subject: Bird Messengers

Bird Imagery Text Outline

Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Description
- Mahakala: Panjarnata, Chaturbhuja, Others...
- Dralha
- Teachers/Kings:
--- Gesar Norbu Dradul
--- Tonpa Shenrab
- Bird Types
- Confusions: 'Revealed Treasure' Signature
- Others...

Gesar - Thirteen Werma (werma chusum):
6. Bird. glag ja nag (lag ja nag)
7. White Bird. khra skya bo (tra kya bo)
8. White Vulture. bya rgod ngang dkar (ja god ngang kar)
9. Smoke-coloured Owl. 'ug pa du mdog (wuk pa du dog)

Jeff Watt 4-2024

(The images below are only a selection of examples from the links above).