Himalayan Art Resources

Buddhist Deity: Samayavajra

Purification Deities Page

The purification deity Samayavajra is depicted as a secondary figure placed in the lower center of the composition.

'Samayavajra appears with a body green in colour, one face and two arms. The right [hand] holds aloft a sword and the left supports a sword-handled bell, seated with the feet in the vajra posture. In the lap is the Mother Samayatara, green, holding a curved knife and skullcup. Their mouths are slightly smiling and slightly wrathful, decorated with bone and jewel ornaments, and lower garments of silk. The Father's back is supported by a moon disc.' (Ngawang Kunga Lodro. sGrub Thabs Kun bTus, vol.6, fol.248-268. May 1984).

Jeff Watt, 5-2024