Himalayan Art Resources

Subject: Images on HAR

Introduction to Himalayan Art

Video: Images on the HAR Site (HAR on Patreon)

Himalayan Art Resources (HAR) owns no images. All images on the HAR site are the property of either the lending organization, institution, museum, private collection or the individual creator of the digital or film/slide image.

The quality of images on the HAR site is not controlled or mediated by HAR but rather based on the quality of image/s provided to the HAR website. The HAR Team will occasionally, as needed, crop some images to economize on image size.

To save an individual image with as large a dimension as possible, from an item page, click on the painting or sculpture image or click on 'Take a closer look' button. A new window will appear with the image enlarged. At the upper left click on 'Open in tab' button. Another window will appear. From this window right click on the user's mouse button to. Locate and press on the 'Save image as...' from the pop-up menu. The image will then be saved to the local device.

HAR Team 6-2024

Submitting Images (Introduction to Himalayan Art)

Museums, institutions and private collectors of Himalayan art are invited, and encouraged, to submit images for cataloging and display.

To submit an image (or collection) for consideration, please send a digitized image by e-mail. Additionally, you must submit a written statement attesting to your ownership of either the object itself or the rights to the image being submitted.

Please note that the Himalayan Art Resources website does not archive, professionally or otherwise, any digital images and does not own any images. All images cataloged on the site are the property of the lending institution, museum or private collection.