Himalayan Art Resources

Mandalas: Secrets in Identification

Mandala: Iconography

Secrets in Identification:
- Description (below)
- Symbol Type Mandalas
- Mandalas & the Eight Siddhas
- Confusions
- Others...

Video: Mandala: Secrets for Identification

The various descriptions to identify and distinguish between the mandalas of the different traditions of Tibetan Buddhism are especially useful when studying the various types of Symbol Mandalas when the deity figures are absent. The descriptions are primarily concerned with wrathful deity mandalas in particular.

Nyingma mandalas can be unique and different from the other three common traditions of Sakya, Kagyu and Gelug. The Sakya and Kagyu mandalas are very close in composition, components and appearance. The Gelug mandalas are the easiest to identify with the most unique characteristics that are different from the earlier three traditions.

Nyingma Mandalas:
- Not all wrathful mandalas have the eight cemeteries.
- The eight siddhas are generic in appearance especially in the eight cemeteries.
- The eight siddhas are never found between the palace and the lotus circle.

Sakya Mandalas:
- The eight siddhas are never found between the palace and the lotus circle.
- The eight siddhas are standardized but different from the Kagyu list of eight.
- Virupa is always found in the upper (west) cemetery.
- Cemeteries are sometimes outside of the circle of flames, but rare. (Examples).
- The eight siddhas are only found in wrathful mandalas with the cemeteries.

Kagyu Mandalas:
- The eight siddhas are never found between the palace and the lotus circle.
- The eight siddhas are standardized but different from the Sakya list of eight.
- The eight siddhas are only found in wrathful mandalas with the cemeteries.

Gelug Mandalas:
- The eight cemeteries are generally on the outside of the circle of flames.
- Gelug examples of Nyingma subjects have the cemeteries on the outside.
- The eight siddhas are often found between the palace and the lotus circle.
- The eight siddhas are generic in appearance especially in the eight cemeteries.
- The eight siddhas are found with both wrathful and peaceful mandalas.

Religious Traditions: | Nyingma | Sakya | Kagyu | Jonang | Gelug | Bon

Jeff Watt 2-2025

(The images below are only a selection of examples from the links above).