Artist: Khazi Lhazo Style (Multiple Mahasiddha Set)
Khazi Lhazo Style (Mahasiddhas)
- Khazi Lhazo Mahasiddha Paintings
- Buddhist Iconography: Compact Edition (Book Review)
- Buddhist Masters of Enchantment (Book Review)
- Multiple Figures (Set 3)
- Dege Parkang Wall Murals
- Dzaya Pandita Mahasiddha Set (Ulan Bator)
- Block Print Mahasiddha Set (Prajnaparamita)
- Robert Beer (Masters of Enchantment Publication)
Jeff Watt 2-2025
Buddhist Iconography: Compact Edition. Lokesh Chandra. International Academy of Indian Culture and Aditya Prakashan, New Delhi. Second reprint, 1999.
Prajnaparamita Block Print Publication. Artist: Dingriwa. Lhasa, 1940s.
Beer, Robert, and Keith Dowman. Masters of Enchantment: The Lives and Legends of the Mahasiddhas. Inner Traditions, 1989.
(The images below are only a selection of examples from the links above).