Manjushri (Non-iconic Forms) | Maitreya Bodhisattva AppearanceSubjects, Topics & Types:
- Description (below)
- Appearance
- Gestures
- Posture
- Attributes:
--- Manjushri: Sword, book, half vajra
--- Maitreya: Water flask, wheel, stupa
Video: Manjushri & Maitreya Sculptural Differences
The bodhisattva/deity Manjushri can typically appear with a half vajra on the crown of the head. Maitreya is iconographically known for having a stupa on the crown of the head. It is rare to have an image of Maitreya with a half vajra decoration on the crown of the head but not unheard of with a single example depicted below. The half vajra ornament on the crown of the head is found more often with Nepalese manufactured sculpture as an artistic convention from the 15th to 17th centuries and very rarely found with Tibetan productions.
Jeff Watt, 3-2025
(The images below are only a selection of Manjushri examples with half vajra ornaments along with a single Maitreya example identified from the HAR website).