Himalayan Art Resources

Buddhist Deity: Buddha (Vajrayana)

Buddha Iconography

Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Vajrayana Buddhas Description (below)
- Five Symbolic Buddhas
--- Vairochana
--- Amitabha
--- Akshobhya
--- Ratnasambhava
--- Amoghasiddhi
- Amitayus Buddha
- Nageshvara Raja Buddha
- Vajradhara
- Samantabhadra
- Vajrayana Buddhism
- Confusions
- Others...

Vajrayana Buddhism has very few additional Buddhas in Buddha Appearance.

The Vajrayana Number Sets are:
- Three Buddhas of Kriya Tantra (Shakyamuni, Akshobhya, Amitabha)
- Five Transcendent (or Symbolic) Buddhas
- Six Buddhas of the Six Realms
- Ten Dzogchen Buddhas
- Twelve Dzogchen Buddhas
- Others...

Nageshvara Raja Buddha is first described in the Mahayana literature of the Thirty-five Confession Buddhas. In Vajrayana Buddhism Nageshvara is also used as a meditational deity independent of the Confession Buddhas.

Jeff Watt 7-2018 [updated 3-2020]