Himalayan Art Resources

Subject: Trampled Gods & Deities Page (Numbers)

Trample Gods & Deities Page

Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Description (below)
- Confusions: prone, suppressed, supporting, corpse
- Others...

Video: Trampled Gods & Deities

Numbers of Trampled Figures:

One Figure (corpse, Vignantaka, Bhuta Aparajita): Amrita Kundalin, Hevajra, Humkara (heruka), Jambhala (black), Kagye Heruka, Kurukulla, Mahakala, Nairatmya, Parnashavari (?), Simhamukha, Vajrapani, Vajravarahi, Yamari, Bhurkumkuta (green),

Two Figures: Amaravajra Devi, Aparajita, Chakrasamvara, Dvajagrakeyura, Hayagriva, Jambhala (red), Kalachakra (heruka), Mahottara, Vajra Vega, Vajrapani, Vajravarahi, Vajrayogini,

Four Figures: Hevajra, Kalachakra, Vighnantaka

Eight Figures: Hayagriva, Mahottara, Vajrabhairava

Multiple Figures: Mahottara, Sitatapatra, Vajrabhairava

In Tantric Buddhist art it is common for semi-wrathful and wrathful deities to stand or trample upon smaller figures. The smaller figures generally represent ego, or the four skandhas of Buddhist philosophy.

Several sculpture, part of a larger work, have recently been identified as likely belonging to a depiction of Vajrabhairava. The semi-prone figures represent Hindu gods that are subjugated or trampled by the standing Vajrabhairava. (See images below).

Three of the works below are depictions of the eight Indian gods under the feet of Vajrabhairava. An additional three are known in collections with two having unknown whereabouts. The principal figure of Vajrabhairava is also missing as is the lotus base of the sculpture.

Jeff Watt 2-2015 [updated 11-2023]