Himalayan Art Resources

Subject: Female Deities - Yellow

Yellow Main Page

Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Description (below)
- Study Topics:
1. Primary Figures
2. Secondary Figures
3. Colour Variations
4. Multi-coloured Deities
- Confusions
- Others...

Video: Female Deities That Are Yellow

1. Primary Figures Deity List (Buddhist):
- Bhrikuti (removing obstacles)
- Dvajagrakeyura
- Marichi (removing obstacles)
- Nagaraja
- Nyima Zhonnu
- Parnashavari (yellow form, preventing sickness)
- Prajnaparamita (wisdom)
- Tara (yellow form)
- Chinnamasta Vajrayogini
- Vasudhara (yellow form, wealth)
- Others...

Bon Deity List:
- Satrig Ersang
- Sherab Chamma
- Others...

2. Secondary Figures:
- Mamaki (Ratnasambhava Consort)
- Miyo Langzangma (Tseringma)
- Ratna Dakini (Pancha Dakini)
- Vairochana (Vajrayogini)
- Vishvamata (Kalachakra)
- Others...

3. Colour Variations:
- Light Yellow
- Medium Yellow
- Dark Yellow
- Orange
- Others...

Jeff Watt 11-2023

(The images below are only a selection of examples from the links above).