Himalayan Art Resources

Tibet: Gyantse Town

Tibet Main Page

Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Description (below)
- Map of U-Tsang
- Gyantse Dzong, Mandala Room
- Gyantse Kumbum
- Gyantse Kumbum (Upper Floor)
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- Gyantse: Black & White
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Video: The Great Stupa of Gyantse (Book Review)

The fortress on the hill is the oldest structure with murals dating to possibly the late 14th century. The main monastery temple of Palkor Chode was constructed between approximately 1418 and 1428, commissioned by Rabten Kunzang Pag. The Kumbum was constructed in 1427 and completed in 1437.

There are three famous kumbum stupas, Gyantse Kumbum, the biggest, Jonang Kumbum (built by Dolpopa, 1330) and Chung Riwoche Kumbum (built by Tangtong Gyalpo). All three are in Tsang Province and in a relatively close proximity to the town of Shigatse.

Jeff Watt [updated 10-2018]


Gyantse and its Monasteries (3-Volume Set). Giuseppe Tucci. Re-published by Aditya Prakashan, 1989.

The Great Stupa of Gyantse: A Complete Tibetan Pantheon of the Fifteenth Century. Franco Ricca & Erberto Lo Bue. Serindia Publications, London: 1993.

Empowered Masters: Tibetan Wall Paintings of Mahasiddhas at Gyantse. Ulrich von Schroeder. Serindia Publications, Visual Dharma Publications, 2006. (See book review video: Empowered Masters.