Publications Page | Museum Collections PagePublications:
- The Art of Buddhist Sculpture (2013)
- Buddhist Paintings of Buryatia
- Compassion and Reincarnation in Tibetan Art
- The Cultural Monuments of Tibet
- Kathmandu Valley Painting: The Jucker Collection
- Mandala: The Architecture of Enlightenment (coming soon)
- Mandalas of the Bon Religion (to be cataloged)
- Mitra Gyatsa Dan Dor
- The Ngor Mandalas (coming soon)
- Nor Galerie Robert Burawoy, 1978
- Pearls of the Orient
- Rgyan Drug Mchog Gnyis
- Sacred Visions: Early Paintings from Central Tibet
- Splendor of Yongle Painting
- The Bon Religion of Tibet
- The Little Luminous Boy
- Tibet: Tradition & Change
- Tibet: Treasures from the Roof of the World
- Tibetan and Mongolian Buddhist Painted Scrolls
- Tibetan Painted Scrolls
- Tibetan Paintings
- Tibetan Painting: The Jucker Collection
- Quintessence of Returning Tibetan Cultural Relics From Oversea
- Treasures from Mongolia
- Vajravali
- Visual Dharma: The Buddhist Art of Tibet
- Wisdom and Compassion (coming soon)
- Wisdom Publications: Calendar Collection
- Worlds of Transformation
- Others...
The following publications are numbered for convenience:
- Publication: 18
- Publication: 19
- Publication: 20
- Publication: 21
- Publication: 23
- Publication: 25
- Publication: 28
- Publication: 30
- Publication: 33
- Publication: 34
- Publication: 35
- Publication: 37
Jeff Watt [updated 7-2018, 2-2019]