Himalayan Art Resources

Item: Teacher (Lama) - Karmapa 10, Choying Dorje

བླ་མ། 喇嘛
(item no. 61051)
Origin Location Tibet
Date Range 1900 - 1959
Lineages Kagyu, Karma (Kagyu) and Buddhist
Material Ground Mineral Pigment on Cotton
Collection Private
Notes about the Central Figure

Classification: Person

Appearance: Lay Person

Gender: Male

TBRC: bdr:P1382

Interpretation / Description

Choying Dorje, 10th Karmapa (1604-1674 [70 yrs]).

The central figure is the 10th Karmapa, Choying Dorje, in a teaching gesture. Chaturbhuja Lokeshvara (4-arms Chenrezig) sits on a moon disk above the lotus base in the top left corner. The figure wearing a red hat in the gesture of debate is the Fourth Pawo, Tsuklug Kuntu Zangpo (1633-1649), who was recognized by Choying Dorje in Lhodrag. Below him in meditation is the Third Trehor Tenzin Dhargye. On the bottom right corner is his attendant Kuntu Zangpo.

Shinzo Shiratori 8-2024

Text Reference:

bka' brgyud gser phreng rnam thar zla wa chu shel gyi phreng ba bar cha (The Golden Garland of Kagyu Biographies). Situ Chokyi Jungne. Vajra Vidya Institute Library, 2005.

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Thematic Sets
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Teacher: Karmapa Choying Dorje, 10th, Main Page
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