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11th Tai Situpa, Pema Wangchug Gyalpo (1886–1952).
At the center is Wangchug Gyalpo in monastic robes holding a vajra in his right hand and a skullcup in the left. At the top left corner is White Tara, Wish-Fulfilling Wheel. Below Tara is Surmang Tenga and underneath him is the 9th Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche (1897-1962). The protector deity at the bottom right is the Six-Armed Shadbhuja Mahakala.
Shinzo Shiratori 1-2025
bka' brgyud gser phreng rnam thar zla wa chu shel gyi phreng ba bar cha (The Golden Garland of Kagyu Biographies). Situ Chokyi Jungne. Vajra Vidya Institute Library, 2005.