Himalayan Art Resources

Subject: Artist Chronological List

Art History: Artist Page

- Description
- Artists Known For Their Art (below)
- Artists Known Through Literature
- Confusions

- Artists Known For Their Art
- Artists Known For Their Art: Part 2
- Artists Known Through Literature
- Misconceptions Concerning Artists in Himalayan Art
Chronological List:
- Chi'u Gangpa (No examples)
- Sonam Gyaltsen & Atelier (Sculpture: Example 1)
- Khyentse Chenmo: (Art Examples)
- Mantangpa (Possible Example 1, Example 2)

- Trengkawa: Sketch Book
- Konchog Pende (Copies: Example Set)
- Namkha Tashi (No examples)

- Choying Dorje, 10th Karmapa (Painting & Sculpture Art Examples).
- Garu Pandita Lobzang Sherab
- Zanabazar Yeshe Dorje & Atelier (Painting & Sculpture)

- De'u Mar Geshe: (Painting Example 1)
- Situ Panchen Chokyi Jungne: (No examples)
- Kunzig Chokyi Nangwa, 8th Drugchen: (Painting Example 1, Example 2)

- Khazi Lhazo (Chamdo Region) (Painting)
- Trehor Namkha Gyan & Atelier (Painting)
- Tegchog Dorje, 14th Karmapa (Painting Example 1)

- Drugu Chogyal
- Khamtrul Rinpoche
- Gega Lama (Paintings Lineage Set, Misc. Examples)
- Others...

Jeff Watt 2-2025

A History of Tibetan Painting, The Great Tibetan Painters and their Traditions. David Jackson. Verlag der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Wien, 1996. (See a selection of paintings).

Patron and Painter, Situ Panchen and the Revival of the Encampment Style. David P. Jackson. Rubin Museum of Art, 2009.

'Bodhisattvas South of the Clouds' by Karl Debreczeny. Chapter 10. Patron and Painter, Situ Panchen and the Revival of the Encampment Style. David P. Jackson. Rubin Museum of Art. 2009).

(The images below are only a selection of examples from the links above).